top hats
- n.高顶礼帽
- top hat的复数

They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat .
You can keep your bowlers black , your top hats sleek and tall , for I 'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat and I can cap them all .
No many men wear top hats these days .
Top hats should be removed for official photographs .
' It isn 't very important about the top hats , ' said Winston patiently .
Caroling is often associated with the long skirts , capes and top hats of19th-century england .
The result will delight fans of the famous Disney Pixar films as it shows all of the characters in wedding dresses and top hats .
Black ties and top hats were worn for medal ceremonies , in which it was the silver medal , not a gold one , that was the top prize .
Its high-roofed passenger cabin was initially designed to accommodate gentlemen 's top hats , and the trunk was built to fit the old luggage trunks that travelers brought on overseas trips .
Cowl head ventilator The midmorning dance is for schoolchildren . The formal noon processional is the main event , with the men in top hats and frock coats , the women in gowns .
It is if it 's in my hands at the time of attack . ' Other items in the Bartitsu arsenal include walking sticks , top hats , snuffboxes , handkerchiefs or ' any item a gentleman would have at his disposal , ' says Mr. Donnelly .
An employer usually does not object to being called boss . But most workers would not call their employers big cheeses top brass or brass hats to their faces .